Monday, December 5, 2011

Children's Education

With the increasing participation rate of child education, the United States has been lagging when it comes to adopting similar strategies as well for America is no longer one of the leading countries in regards to early schooling development. For example, other countries such as France and 34 other countries, have defined education for children as early as children the age of three. In fact countries such as these have had nearly 100 percent enrollment for 3 and 4 year olds as early as 2008 whereas the children in the United States were only around 47 percent. These schools focus their education on autonomy, creativity, learning capacity, exploration, and socialization. Other countries like Singapore have developed a math program where they teach children the fundamentals of this subject five days a week for up to four hours a day. The main drawback in the United States is that the ones who are adopting this system are the wealthy for preschool is not a program offered by the government just yet.

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